Our Promise To You
It’s a simple idea that took root in 1974, when Tony DeSantis started a small landscaping business. Over almost fifty years, it has become the core promise we make to each other, to our partners and to our community.
Do the right thing. Always.
It begins with profound respect. For Oregon’s abundant natural resources and extraordinary wildlife; for the remarkable men and women who bring their love and passion to our company; and to you, for entrusting the care of one of your most precious assets to our company.
Doing the right thing means a commitment to lifelong learning. There’s always more to learn, more to discover and more to be. At DeSantis Landscapes, we want to attract team-members who share this active curiosity about everything that impacts our environment here in the Willamette eco-system. Engineering smart storm water solutions and sustainable landscaping techniques protects our rivers and everything that draws life from them.
Doing the Right Thing, Every Step of the Way
Doing the right thing means honoring commitments and taking personal responsibility. Regardless of outcomes or circumstances, we expect our people to be honest, to do what we say we’ll do, to be fanatical about response time and to be accountable to you. Accountability means paying attention to the details. From mow lines, to gravel base compaction, to the spelling of your name, focusing on details creates the highest quality experience.
Doing the right thing means an obsession with safety and process. Safety equals professionalism. So, protecting people and property are always of highest importance. Safety and a commitment to effective, repeatable processes go hand in hand to ensuring consistent results.
Doing the right thing means asking questions and listening intently in order to establish a firm foundation of understanding. If we are to meet your expectations, we have to know what those expectations are. From that platform, we work to translate your expectations into action plans with tangible goals that are tracked continuously.
Finally, doing the right thing means respecting your property and space. An important aspect of the DeSantis culture is treating your home or office landscape with respect and doing the little things to leave it better than we found it.
At DeSantis, our business is to create sustainable natural beauty. But our mission goes well beyond the landscapes we create and manage. We’re a team of talented people who care deeply for the people we serve and the land we love. We do our best to live these promises day after day, year after year.